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Assignment #2.1

In What Way Might I...


Create faster checkouts and relieve embarassment for the payer

Save time paying at the cash

Make it easy to pay with  change quickly

Make it easy to find coins on-the-go, after they have been put away

Separate coins as they get put away

**Create a container with separate compartments which can be separately and easily accessed**

Make a coin purse with 4 separate pouches for the most accessed types of coins




Assignment #2.2


1.Refined Version of my chosen Gap

 A mobile coin-containment device which separates and stores coins in an easy to use and retrieve manner


The container ...


Is Attractive enough to show people

comes in a variety of colours

has a customizeable exterior

is neutral enough to wear with anything

matches all clothes

!!is not embarassing to carry or use!!

!!Feels comfortable to carry around!!

Does not add extra bulk to the pocket

Does not weigh too much with coins

Does not add extra weight

carries a useful amount of coins

does not fit too many coins

has removable slots


!!quick to use in any setting and store anywhere!!

allows easy access to each type of coin

is easy to open

is easy to add coins to

has labels to identify each coin section

!!attaches to things such as bags and belt hooks!!

folds flat to fit into any pocked

has easy to use clips/closures


...These Two are intertwined categories...


Works Well and thoughtfully

!!organizes coins intuitively!!

can be used for different kinds of coins

has enough slots for all the coins that need to be carried

allows you to know how many coins are inside

organizes coins in order, ascending or descending

holds coins securely when not in use

easy enough to use that you dont have to think twice


will last a long time

is durable

holds it's shape

fabric does not wear out quickly

has good stitching

seams dont come apart





Assignment #2.3 Visual Expression II:

Observed Isometric Chair Drawings

Left To Right, Top to bottom: Front View, Side View (Right), Vertical Cross-Section, Top View.

Week #2


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